Friday, March 27, 2009

B-Man Steamin' Hot

Oooo-eeee, the B-Man was smokin' hot this morning. I was almost afraid to hand him his morning pick-me-up...a cup of Starbucks with a shot of MD20/20. He calls it his "gut bomb", and he's just a bear until he's downed at least one of them. He has a cigarette or two with it and then if he thinks he's gonna' have a really bad day he lights up one of those funny little cigarettes. Annnnyway, he's ticked because of this whole Notre Dame commencement speech thing. There're a bunch of Catholic nut-case students that don't want him to speak at their graduation ceremony because he doesn't have a problem with abortion and their silly Catholic rules tell them that abortions are bad. So the university invites him and then these cry-babies don't want him to come. Good grief, I don't blame him for being upset. He's really sensitive about feeling like he's not welcome, and this situation is just stupid.

Look, those Catholics can believe anything they want, what with their little beads and that holy water they sprinkle on everything and the kneeling and standing and kneeling and standing, but we need to get our schedule straight. I mean the girls need some stability in their lives. Besides, who cares about abortions? If the B-Man had his way he'd make it legal to whack kids up until they're a year old...he told me that. He said it would be sort of a "try before you buy" deal.

So anyway, he got so mad this morning about the Notre Dame thing I could hardly settle him down. I guess we'll just have to see how that works out but I sure hope it's soon because I like to know where we'll be and when we'll be there!

Oh yeah....yesterday I told you I'd talk about some of the other people that drive the B-Man crazy...Barney Frank and Harry Reid, but I left out a couple: Rush Limbaugh and George Bush...the one that was just President...and also that skinny little Ann Coulter woman. Oh, every time he sees HER he has to smoke two of those funny little cigarettes just to settle down. Well, that's a lot to cover so I'll just hit the first two.

The first one, that Barney Frank guy, well, he's just a mess. Heck, he's been arrested and almost got thrown out of the Senate years ago for something having to do with the fact that he's a girlie man and had some sort of male prostitution thing going on in the downstairs of his condo. Then he claimed he didn't know anything about it!!! Now I ask you, how could that be?? If men were doing the dirty deed DOWNSTAIRS from you, don't you think you'd figure it out? Anyway, he's done a whole bunch of other stuff too...dated a criminal and fixed his traffic tickets. I could go on and on, but just let me way that the B-Man wishes he'd just disappear, like Pelosi. B-Man said he can't even stand to have a conversation with Barnie because he gets spit all over his suit! Yuck!

I guess I should talk about Harry Reid since the Reid, Pelosi, Frank trio sort of fit together as the top three stupid people in the House and Senate. Hmmm..well...Reid's problem is he's just old and tired and doesn't seem to have all his mental faculties. He says really strange things and then forgets he said 'em! B-Man told me that one time he was talking to Harry and Harry just randomly shouted out, "I HATE BUTTERMILK!!" real loud. It scared B-Man but Harry just acted like nothing happened. Isn't that weird?? And to think Harry has a high position in our government. B-Man is hoping Harry will retire real soon but he's not too hopeful about it.

Well, I have to go now. I have to make some stupid speech about educating our children and such, which I don't really care about because we send our kids to private schools and aren't too concerned about what goes on in those yucky public schools.


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